Rainy Day Update

Howdy all,

Today is a rainy Wednesday here. Temperature started by getting to 80, and will start dropping today, and tomorrow, and next day, and next day. We will be seeing low 40s (upper 30s?) before Sunday. With highs in 50s. Yep, it is just a couple days before June, and 30s were in forecast. Brrr.

So, I thought I’d give an update of gardening and life. I guess I’ll start with life.

I had hoped by now, I’d have been finished with dental visits for the year. Nope.. Waiting for the 3rd rebuild of a bridge I need. The dentist claims to be a “perfectionist” and hasn’t been happy with the prior attempts. So I have to keep going back, sitting in the chair for 2 hours, and endure discomfort with a temporary that fits for crud, and is sensitive to hot/cold/sweets/everyfreakingthing. This is the last of the major stuff I need. And I can’t imagine not looking for a new dental office before my next cleaning. One that is a full-service shop. And, uses DIGITAL imaging instead of the torture of clay impressions — I’ve had 13 for this bridge alone..

Anyway, once my dental adventures were to finish, I was going to try and get Kitty’s dental adventure started. The vet says she has a fractured canine and needs a cleaning. But to get that worked on, she first needs to see a cardiologist. Yep.. She came to me with a heart murmur, and they don’t want to anesthetize without it being checked out first.

Well, there were 3 of them in northeast Ohio. None close. And over the last year, the closer two both left their practice. That leaves one. It is in Akron, which is approximately 70-80 miles away. If that isn’t bad enough, the earliest appointment we could get is not until the next to the last day in September. Wow.

Good thing she is seemingly quite healthy and happy right now… Make that mostly happy.. She wants to get outside to chase birds and chipmunks and squirrels.. Can’t let that happen with a clawless kitty..

Thus, if the echo-cardiogram goes well, we can set up a teeth cleaning/possible extraction then. I’m told those are also back-booked by a couple months too. May get this completed by the end of the year.

She also needs some updated vaccines in July. That appointment is set up. Only because I set it up this month.. Also behind.

Oh, and each of these will be done at different vet hospitals. Isn’t there any one-stop medical shops anymore?? For humanoids or feline-oids?

I don’t want to put up with that nonsense!!  I just want to chase squirrels.

I don’t want to put up with that nonsense!! I just want to chase squirrels.

Run rodent Run!!

Run rodent Run!!

Around the backyard, update, the grass is slowly coming in. The tree spots are much less visible.

That big oak was where the straw is still the heaviest.  But looking gooder for surer.

That big oak was where the straw is still the heaviest. But looking gooder for surer.

And here is where the other 2 trees were.

And here is where the other 2 trees were.

The berry bed is getting better and better. I have plans to expand it to the area where that green temp structure is. But for now, I have blueberries, raspberries and strawberries in there. And a bunch of left over tomato and pepper plants.

The greenhouse plants are coming along. Cucumber vines are vining. Tomato plants are getting tall and blossoming. Even a couple tiny pea-sized tomatoes. Pepper plants are blossoming and fruiting. Peas and beans are sprouting. Spinach just keeps producing. Basil plants keep dying (they grow great indoors for me, but just don’t do well out there!!).

Basically, greenhouse is going fine.

Greenhouse from doors.

Greenhouse from doors.


Cucumber plants and carrots underneath

A pepper

A pepper

Potato plants.  Some onions in background.

Potato plants. Some onions in background.

Proof that not everything grows for me.  Five of Six of these potato planter bags are doing good to great.  This one was a bust.  Shoot, I can only find 2 of the 4 seed potatoes at all, and the one you see is rotted.

Proof that not everything grows for me. Five of Six of these potato planter bags are doing good to great. This one was a bust. Shoot, I can only find 2 of the 4 seed potatoes at all, and the one you see is rotted.

So, that’s a rainy May day update from here. I hope you all are doing well and continue to

Enjoy Life