Minor Setbacks


No, not health issues. My cold bug is still improving. Still a little hacking, but sore throat is mostly gone, and so is hoarseness. But, I am really feeling all of the work I’ve been doing. No longer getting up in the morning with lots of energy, and the soreness gone from prior day. === I’m too old for this sheet!!! — I am officially over 65 now — bring on those senior discounts ===

The house is slowly looking less like a disaster. But the truth is, I’m just piling things into areas for future organizing. At least it is going into the right room, and is off the floor.

I did hang about a dozen photos/pictures this week. And I ?think? I’ve repaired everything the movers’ broke. Have I mentioned that MayFlower’s, Ohio teams, and the driver from Florida, suck snake eggs through their buttz? As soon as they pulled the money off my credit card, during the days the furniture was leaving Florida to get to Ohio, the service went to Shitaki...But, hey, be sure to take this as the opinion of a dissatisfied customer.

I also tried to get a propane heater / blower for the garage. Home Depot really let me down on this one. I called, and they have them in stock. Great, I go there and ask where are they. The person sends me to an aisle and points up at the ceiling and tells me it looks like they put them up for the season. Um, it is 30 degrees outside.. Okay, can we get one down, and where do I get the propane I was told is available? No propane at this location (huh?). We’ll send some one over to help you with getting one. The older than I, dude that comes over is frail and walking with a cane. I tell him what I want, and he just looks up at the ceiling and does nothing. After 5 minutes of trying to get him to call someone else or do something, I say I’ll go home and order online. What a waste.

Today it should arrive. So, I wanted to get propane tanks (pre-filled, no exchange). Sounds like it should be easy. I tried Lowe’s, by phone, and they are out, even though online says available. Okay, I tried a couple of local gas stations, and the one that answered says exchanges only.

Turns out the place I should have tried was the Super-Walmart just 2 1/2 miles away. Got two there. Sure hope that heater really arrives. Even if it doesn’t, I will likely eventually get a fire-pit for my deck and will use them with it.

Have also been assembling many shelves for various rooms. Hauling them up the stairs is the hardest part. Either you take up one super-heavy box, or, open it downstairs and take multiple trips up/down. Neither is fun.

I did watch a couple of TV shows yesterday (on this laptop) from my Spectrum cable account — they sent first billing so I could setup my online access. MacGuyver, of course. Need some inspiration on getting things working around here.

Oh, my Avocado bed arrived and I’ve slept on it a few nights now. A tad to firm. I will give it a few more days before giving in and buying the pillow top to soften it up. Possibly that is why I’m not getting up as refreshed. Also turned on all three of my portable air purifiers. The two that single bad air both took 3 days to finally go from red to blue. — Now that may be helping with the cold!!.

That’s a quick update. Hopefully the next one will say more about

Enjoy Life