Kitty Update 7-26-2020

Howdy, and Good Morning world,

Quick update on how Kitty has been adjusting…

When I got her home on Thursday, and put the carrier on the bed in the spare room, I figured she'd bolt out of it and go hide the moment I opened the door.  Nope, she sauntered out cautiously, and started checking things out.  While she wasn't willing to be touched at that point, she did keep coming back to me to sniff and make sure I was not a statue.. 

After finding all of the things that mattered to her -- litter box, food, water - and sniffing the toys and cat bed, cat box, etc., and deciding they were useless, she went to a back corner and started grooming herself.

That is when I left her to allow her to adjust for a couple hours.

When I went back up, I brought along some "Greenies" treats.  Didn't need them to get her near me.  She came out almost immediately and wanted a head scratch or six.  When I did try the treat, she took it straight from my fingers without worry.  After some petting and a couple of treats, she once again started investigating.  Up on almost everything.  And, took a sip of the water and nibbled on the dry food. 

Oh, she doesn't seem to consider the "soup" type of kitty food to be edible.  I've tried 3 flavors and she'll barely sniff it.  And won't even touch a greenie that touches it...  There goes the top-review on Amazon.

I left the door shut overnight Thursday/Friday, to allow her to feel safer.  But in the morning, I just opened it up.  Initially I was going to block off the stairs going down, but she really wasn't up to the whole house tour yet.  Even now, if she goes in a "new" room, and I walk in, she'll quickly go back to the bedroom.  I wonder if her prior owners had a lot of "off-limit" places.  She won't have that here.  It is her house too.

By noon or so, she did go down the stairs -- with a greenie bribe.   But having all the new areas was too much and back upstairs she went. 

A couple times she'd come down, and go back up quickly.  But around 8:30 pm Thursday, after I had gone up a couple hours prior (for clean water/food/visit), she came down to investigate the area.  I think she felt safer with it dark.  She even came over for many more head scratches. 

She did go back to the bedroom for sleeping the night away. 

Friday morning we visited, and I think she then was upstairs looking in the different rooms.    == OOPS, and probably running away from the Roomba iRobot vacuum that started up at 9 AM.  Oh well, she'll want to get used to them.   They may not be pets, but they do like to go everywhere..

For the rest of the day Friday, she didn’t come downstairs until dark again. (I did go up multiple times). And she did even more investigating. After an hour or so she even decided it was okay to lie down beside the couch while I watched some repeat of a repeat..


And when I went back up to bed, so did she. I know she wandered into my bedroom a couple times during the night — heard a meow or three. So she is feeling a little safer.

And this morning, as I was getting up, she came into the bedroom for a head scratch and a stretch.

Oh, I figured out yesterday evening, if I use some warm water on the dry food, it made her happy to eat it down like it is the Pate’ type of food she was getting. That should arrive today from Amazon. Hey, I thought the top-customer-rated stuff would be “food”. Guess not. I’ll learn.

So there's your update for up to now (Saturday 7/25 morning).  I'll write more updates, but all is going good.  She is adjusting just fine. And I’m trying.

And is nowhere near as skittish as I thought she'd be.

Adding more on 7-27-2020. Kitty came downstairs during the daytime this morning.

Pate’ for breakfast.

Pate’ for breakfast.

Seems she wanted a belly rub.

Seems she wanted a belly rub.

And didn’t mind getting a collar with her name and my phone number on it - and a little bell.

And didn’t mind getting a collar with her name and my phone number on it - and a little bell.

And was happily laying behind me as I worked on the blog..

And was happily laying behind me as I worked on the blog..

She did go back upstairs when I stepped outside to water the lawn, but hey.. She is adjusting…

Hopefully, she will soon

Enjoy Life