Mini-Green House build and updates

Howdy all.

Starting with updates:

Kitty has been adopted — by me of course. We went to the Vet within the week, as per the adoption agreement. Strange how these things work under lock-down. I had to wait in the truck and they came out, and took Kitty in for the exam. And consultation was over the cell phone. So was billing. I had to pre-send all prior medical information to their website. (Which, of course, they couldn’t find at first..).

Kitty is a healthy cat, with a heart murmur, and bad canine teeth — just like me (more on my teeth in a bit). They would like to have the heart scanned, to determine the extent, and possible cause, but that will be at a future date. Need to make sure the long trip, in a crate, to that hospital, isn’t worse than the murmur. The humane society had told me about the heart, and that most of the time it doesn’t affect a cat’s lifespan. As for her teeth, those will likely need to be removed in the future. They have fractures. Now, she could have tried chewing on a rock or something, but my guess it is part of the treatment from her prior owners. She was declawed on all 4 paws — ouch. And, she is just starting to accept I’m not going to slap her off of anything higher than the floor.

When she’d climb up on the couch, and I’d reach my hand out to pet her, she’d run off upstairs to hide in her room.. Took a bit of coaxing to get her not afraid of a head scratch when on the couch or the desk or anywhere — well, she doesn’t get the kitchen table or counters, as a perch..


That’s the Kitty update — she is adjusting well, and is quite happy.

My update — I have having to go to the dentist. They keep finding more old stuff falling apart. My canine teeth, up top, both have many old fillings, need capped. So does one molar right beside one of them. The fillings are falling apart, and are just plain old. And the front teeth on top, are needing work. Shoot, the front teeth were the only ones untouched over the last 45 years. There is other work needed too.

Heck, I didn’t even mention the reason I went to the dentist. One of the caps over an implant was loose. Turns out the screw inside the cap has loosened out of the implant. Wouldn’t fall out ever, but stuff would get under it and cause problems, not to mention a moving tooth is annoying. The fixing of this cap will be super expensive… UGH!!

Other than that, I ripped something in my ribs — Years ago, I had cracked one, and I think I just ripped the scar tissue and blubber off of the healed area. Pain for weeks. Not as bad now. Hey, I was out doing the greenhouse — and yes, it hurt a little.

So now onto the Mini-Green House build..

This is what I installed today.  Raised composite beds inside a pop-up green house frame.

This is what I installed today. Raised composite beds inside a pop-up green house frame.

This is the first of a couple I want to put up for next year. The next one is bigger and taller. This has two 3x3 foot raised beds inside.

First step, mark off the area to be de-sodded.

That root cutting / edger shovel is really good at setting up lines for removing sod.

That root cutting / edger shovel is really good at setting up lines for removing sod.

Silly me.  I thought I’d try and move and save this “sod” — not enough grass, nor roots.

Silly me. I thought I’d try and move and save this “sod” — not enough grass, nor roots.

This went much quicker once I gave up on moving the sod, and just wanted the grass/weeds out of the way.

This went much quicker once I gave up on moving the sod, and just wanted the grass/weeds out of the way.

Leveled it off and cleaned up the edges.  Ready for beds.

Leveled it off and cleaned up the edges. Ready for beds.

Get those beds even and set in the pit.

Get those beds even and set in the pit.

Fill with moisture retaining potting soil — actually need a few more bags.  They are on back order.

Fill with moisture retaining potting soil — actually need a few more bags. They are on back order.

Repeat for the 2nd one.

Repeat for the 2nd one.

Water the soil - for now, and install the pop-up green house.  Lots of pegs to hold it down in the wind.

Water the soil - for now, and install the pop-up green house. Lots of pegs to hold it down in the wind.

If the extra soil comes soon, I may throw in a “fall” crop to test it out…

If the extra soil comes soon, I may throw in a “fall” crop to test it out…

The area I picked, looks to me like it, will get sun in spring and fall. The perspective of these pictures makes it seem like it is close to the out building. Really it is 15 foot from the garage, and the bigger one will be 5 feet behind this one. Should also get plenty of sun.

So, that’s what I’ve been doing. I do hope that you are also busy, and make sure to,

Enjoy Life.