Freezing Friday -- ?Thaw?


If I see the 2 week forecast correctly, today may be the last day this spring with highs in the 30s. Yippee!! There are a couple more days coming up with lows in the 20s, but I believe this is the bottom of the temps for a few months… Even see 60s in the forecast in less than 2 weeks. Yay. About time.

Interesting that this is the day the government is suggesting we’ve past the COVID-19 peak hell, and things may start improving. Even starting some opening at the end of those same 2 weeks. Come on May..

I sure home the Ohio BMV (motor vehicle department) is one of the early openers. I want to get that out of my mind. Lots of stuff dependent upon getting the Driver’s License/truck registration. On that note, I am still waiting for Wells Fargo to get me my Truck’s Florida Title. Base upon their website, I should be seeing it soon.

On the house front, I had another ant attack from the vents the other day. UGH!!! I sprayed more in that vent, and put more bait in other vents away from kitchen. That’s where I don’t want them most.

Also, the HVAC company came over to run a camera through the first vent runs to see what it was going to take for the adding of the dampeners for zone heating. OMG, I was not feeling so good seeing what was in there. Tons of dead ants, of course, (and no living ones moving about), but also little piles of the original construction crap (obviously they weren’t cleaned at the end of the building in 2003). But the worst was the critter droppings. Yep, lots of them. So, every time the Furnace kicks in, it blows hot air over them, and into the house. Icky poo for me and you… Explains why my Air Purifiers kick on high every time the furnace does.

The HVAC guy called in to his office to get them to work with the vent cleaners to try and get them out ASAP after his install next Tuesday/Wednesday. I can’t wait for the clean / warm air… Anyway, next Tuesday night is one of those 20s for a low days. They will hook me up with a couple / few 1500 watt space heaters to try and keep me from freezing..

So, in the next 2 weeks, that part should be finished up. The yard/lawn crew has not shown up yet. I think the fact that it keeps snowing (an inch or so already today), may be holding them back. Especially since on of the first items is to trim back the low branches on those trees.

As of noon on 4/17/2020

As of noon on 4/17/2020

I’m guessing next week they’ll get their opportunity to start. Ground needs lots of ?lime? to kill the moss, lots of grub killer to chase away the moles, lots of fertilizer to get the grass growing, and those branches out of the way so the sun can shine on the lawn.

Ah, and I see a couple of my first bigger outdoor projects in the picture. The out-building needs a bath and some anti-mold/mildew spray too. And, the deck boxes need another coat of sealant — the one coat was fine for them to be sitting under a patio roof down in Florida, but a little more waterproofing may be needed up here.

I also know one set of steps on that deck are almost bare wood. Not sure what happened to them. But they need a good sanding and then some Navajo Red deck seal..

Another project, is pressure washing the entrance/walk/driveway. I knew it needed a bath when I first saw the place in February. With the cleaned up yard, it will help with the curb appeal, and make it easier for me to drive into this place.

I have either ordered, or already had, the things I need for my projects. Well, everything except dry warm sunshine…. Come on May…

Inside, I’ve been slowly working on organizing things, during the coldness. Much more is needed. I do have my computers/printer setup and the network running well — with the exception of the crappy wifi from this box — on order. And I am going to trash the old Windows 7 (upgraded from Vista) Sony-all-in-one that was once my best machine. I’m guessing the old hard drive is failing, among other things, and shoot, I can’t even get Adaware Virus checker to run on it anymore. Seems it doesn’t have good enough graphics to even handle that. Sad thing. I really liked it.

Replacing it with a desktop (renewed) with Windows 10 and SSD and a dedicated graphics card — this is a low-end Intel I7 machine. But comparatively, it is super-server. I’m not planning high-end video work, and certainly not gaming, on it. Thus, it will be perfectly find for household functions.

That’s about it for today. Come on May — I want to

Enjoy Life