Day -139 — That is only 87 work-days!!

Wow, when you take in consideration holidays and existing, scheduled PTO, I am down to 87 working days. Amazing, life is starting to gain momentum. I believe I have about 10 more PTO days I will just cash-in at the end, unless something pops up before then.

And yet, I have “trained” no Pune FTEs. We were given 4 more resumes last week, and tried to interview one. But, after 20 minutes, they were still unable to web-connect, or even phone into the WebEx. That hurt. And the ?recruiter? in Pune, was supposed to redo the call for the next day, but decided to take time off for the rest of the week instead — without telling us!!!

If that wasn’t bad enough, she had also told us the gentleman that was to start on 8/19 had pushed it off until 8/26 and was questioning just what the position entailed, and whether it was for him. (From this side of the world it sounds like he is trying to decide which, of multiple, offers to take.) He asked to speak with us, and the ?recruiter? was supposed to set that up too, and didn’t…… Oh, and if he does take the job, he wants to take time off the beginning of September to get engaged. I am guessing this must be a multi-day party thing for him and his family/culture. That’s fine, but the timing pretty much sucks.

Did I mention I’m down to 87 working days? Kind of running out of training time. If they can find someone to take the position in the next couple of weeks, they wouldn’t be able to start until near mid-October, and wouldn’t be ready for training until right around November. Not good for sure.

Maybe things will change this coming week. The company will be announcing earnings on Wednesday. Perhaps things are looking up (I DO NOT HAVE ANY INFO ON THIS!!) and they will do adjustments to their Pune taking over support plans. Or, they could decide that I am not needed for training and will toss me early (not sure I would mind!!).

What I do know is I need to firm up my vacation (new home area search) plans and do reservations in Georgia/Ohio, along with setting up things at the existing homestead while I drive.

I’ve pretty much narrowed the areas down in Georgia, as to where I would like to be. A lot of the places are much closer to Chattanooga TN than Atlanta (on the north west side). However, there are still a couple of possibilities on the Eastern side. I’ve been told some of them are too close to the city and will have way too much traffic. I guess I need to see for my self. And that is where I will get my first hotel (base) from which to start my roaming.

In Ohio, I am leaning towards a hotel in P’sville (new in last couple of years, and just off of the major roads).

Still thinking it will be a single house in Georgia (with big outbuilding workshop), or stand-alone condo in Ohio (preferably with basement).

I foresee more travel out of state from Ohio, and more playing around in the area with Georgia. Thus, I need to physically see the areas to be sure.

Around the present home front, not much happened in last week. I did chop (saw) down the Papaya tree. I can’t figure out how to ripen the fruit, and it was already so tall I couldn’t reach the newest fruit with my extended pole-grabbers. It was about 8-10 inches in diameter at the base. But, since they are hollow, all it took was a bunch of chops with the machete, and a quick pull-saw to make sure it dropped where I hoped.

Then about 5 minutes with the machete to remove all of the branches/fruit, and another 10 minutes to get it down to four sections of trunk about 5-6 foot long, to take to the curb. The hardest part was getting the root ball out. I will replace it with the dwarf versions I have in planters. IF IT EVER STOPS RAINING!!!!

That reminds me, there is a pineapple out there that might be ripe. It is the last of the season. I should check and bring it in.

So, I am done for now..

For all of you, Enjoy Life. For me, I hope it is, Enjoy Pineapple !!!!

Back after a short trip outside. Dwarf trees (still in planters) are moved and settled in. Pineapple is picked and is in the fridge. 2 new pineapple plants are planted in each of those beds, around the Papaya planters. All are watered in, and waiting for the rains. (Lots of thunder and lightning while I was doing that — way far to the east).

And a quick pool dip for this dip to cool back off. All is good in South East Florida.

Enjoy Everything..