Day -144 -- Another work week begins.

Less than 21 weeks to go, and still don’t have anyone starting. We interviewed two more ?candidates? last week, but it was a total waste of everyone’s time. The first wasn’t really interested in the spot, and the second flat out said, “no thank-you”. — At least he was polite about it and didn’t pretend.

Oh, the really curious thing on this duo is they seem to live at the same address, work at the same place now, and even their cell phone numbers were the same, except the last digit. Both only had 3 years of IT experience, and were on their 3rd employer already. Each resume’ had lines that were obviously copied from the other. And, they were even born with 5 months of each other.

We had been given 3 or so other resumes from people with 8-10 years of IT working. The recruiters over their really need to do some pre-screening.

I sure hope the one that is to start in a couple weeks, isn’t also going to “ghost” us on his start date. Right now I’d give the odds as 50-50.

I spent the weekend chopping up bamboo. The neighbors behind my place have a large section of this nasty, fast-growing, 20+ foot high bamboo, that shades my citrus trees in that corner, and also grows through, under, and over my fence. The HOA doesn’t seem to care about this, but yells when there is dust on someone’s roof.

So, I use super long loppers, and machetes to hack as much of that crap out, from my side of the fence. I filled two 90-gallon contractor trash bags with bamboo this weekend. Still, the stuff I can’t reach, has grown up, and then over my trees. Well, I may not be able to reach it with the loppers, but a spray stream of round-up can get there.. It won’t likely kill it, but may stunt the growth for a few months.

Also put fertilizer under all of the citrus trees (and banana plants). They are still alive, and growing slowly again. I am seeing fewer dying branches on them, so maybe they will thrive into the future.

Oh, the banana re-plants are looking great. May need to water them this week. My irrigation setup is connected to the internet, and the weather station keeps saying it will rain and the watering cycles are bypassed. But the rain has been sparse for my place, even though I hear the thunder to the west. Today’s cycle has been set off too. If no good rain, I’ll manually set it to go tomorrow.

That’s it for now.

Enjoy Life