Day -133 -- Did we just find somebody to take the position?

This week we were to have 5 interviews, plus the followup with the person who was to start on 8/26. First, the followup. Yep, you could tell he really is on the fence about actually taking the position. I did my best to sell him on the opportunity. I mean, even I know the initial position is pretty basic, and liable to be a total bore. But, if he is willing to learn, I am certainly willing to teach, and when I’m out of there, my coworker from the north, will go out of his way to help the new FTEs pick up as much as possible, so the work load is shared.

Thus, if the newbies try, they can put themselves in the position to make their value soar in just a couple of years. They will be pursued by headhunters all the time, as I have been over the last 15 years.

I’d put the chances of him actually showing up on 8/26 as just better than 50-50. Not good odds for certain, but much better than before the call.

Then there are the 5 interviews. Let me see if I recall how they went. First, uninterested, and not all that communicative. Second, unable to connect in to the call because of the rains in Pune. Third, not interested, and said so. Fourth, only “work” experience was at the university he attended == might have gotten a yes, but I don’t think he would take it. Fifth was today. Totally unqualified, but communicated well, and acted interested. I said make him an offer. Yep. He is required to give 45 days notice to present employer. Thus, assuming he accepts an offer by the end of next week, it will be mid-October as a start-date, and after the 2 weeks getting setup and ready through the Pune office, and then our systems, it will be November before training begins. I’ll get maybe 8 weeks to convert him to someone that can do even the minimal job.

Not even near the time needed to get someone to the Junior level of responsibility. The end of my working career is going to be interesting for sure. I’ll do my best to get him to the level of not getting in the way. The rest will be up to him.

I may post again this weekend, if I get a good idea. Otherwise, until the next time,
