Mover Chosen -- Inspection fixes accepted


So after an arduous process for the last week, I picked and signed with a mover. Picked Mayflower. Has a good reputation down here and made the best presentation on making sure my trike got to Ohio safely. They will be packing on 2/27 and loading on 2/28. Delivery in Ohio is sometime between 3/11 and 3/18 — probably the earlier, but you never know.

They had the best price of the 4 I listened to, and alerted me to some very bad business practices of a “highly rated” one in the area. Let’s just say the feds have even chased the family out of the moving business in the past, but they keep popping up with new names and corporations and getting super bad reviews at the BBB.

I pretty much had to ignore that bid.

I found it interesting that the bids, and guesses at total weight of the moving items, differed by 20%. And the company that guessed the highest weight, did not have the highest price. Also, on individual items, the “guess” could be off by a factor of 3. (A portable A/C that I figure weighs 75 pounds was guessed from 30 to 100 pounds).

And since frequently they would “bundle” items into a box (some medium, some large) it was like comparing apples and dog food when looking at the itemized lists.

My guess is I’ll have less stuff to go by the time 2/27 gets here. I am still purging items I don’t think I will ever use.

I requested my favorite handyman make a visit over next week in a truck that we’ll load up and take to the dump. Since movers won’t take “flammable” stuff, and cleaning products, and such, I’ll need to have those dumped as hazardous waste, or possibly the handyman will take some of it for his own work use (fence mold/mildew cleaner, for example).

I’m also having him dump the oversized, overweight, LazyBoy couch I have with the dual recliners built in and heater and massage and cup holders and why the heck did I ever get this useless piece of stoopidity??

On the inspection fronts… I may have mentioned I caved and gave a small $$$ concession to the buyer based on the inspection here. Up north, I just asked for a couple minor issues be handled. A cracked window in the kitchen and a missing GFCI in a kitchen outlet near water. Those things have saved my ADD butt more than once when I would flip a switch or plug something in with wet hands. If you have never flipped a GFCI breaker, you hear this sizzle sound, and then a nasty click. At most I’ve just gotten a teeny tickle in my fingers. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME…. I’m a professional id-jut…. The seller agreed to fix those 2 things.

There were other items on the inspection report that might bite me soon, but they are working fine now and there is a whole home warranty with the house. (The house was built around 2003, and all of the major appliances are still in use ) — A/C, Furnace, W/H are all reaching end of expected life. But they have been well maintained, and are working fine at the moment.

Other items like a leak or two in the gutters because they need cleaned, or a downspout that should be extended away from the house, are things that just don’t really matter in the big scheme of things.

Almost forgot, the buyer’s mortgage appraiser was here today — I can’t imagine that not coming back fine. They always seem to match the loan amount.. Which is logical when they are trying to determine what is the value of a house. The value is whatever someone is willing to pay, duh!!!

Another headache I’ve been working is insurance. Down here I have a combo policy that covers both house and truck. Well, if I close on 3/3 down here and cancel the house insurance, the truck insurance goes with it. So, I have AAA Ohio trying to set up a short term truck policy to start on 3/3. They will also do the home insurance to start on 3/10.

This is a stop-gap thing. Next year I’ll do my due diligence and find the “right” insurer for both. But for now, I just want it done….

There’s the update to life for me. Sounds a lot like work. Can’t wait for this moving crud to end….

Enjoy Life.