Inspection Reflection


This home selling / buying game really is no fun. At this point, the “selling” inspection down here in Florida, is completed. There were so many people traipsing through my home, that I think the buyer had inspector inspectors. Three or four people went into the attic and brought down lots of little bits of insulation and didn’t mind leaving it throughout the garage and the house.

And the questions… Oh, my. I felt the buyer (who is her own agent) was doing her best to try and take advantage of the fact that I don’t bother lying about things, and wasn’t trying to hide issues. That is just my opinion, of course. Then used this information to try and get money back from the original offer. Quite frankly, if she doesn’t buy, there are others sitting waiting in the wings, so I made a small concession, and if she doesn’t take it, fine with me. NO MORE GAMES!!!!

Did I mention that I am sick of watching people violate my privacy and show zero respect to my property, as they let their kids jump on my furniture, and play with anything that is out? Or, that some sicko left their Aston Hotel key card in MY BED??

So, buyer, take it, or go away. I do not care.

On the Ohio buying front, my offer was accepted, and the inspection will happen on Monday (1/28). I did tell the inspection company I expect their person to be a lot more respectful of the seller’s property. And, if they change settings on things to test them, TURN IT BACK when they are done. Treat the place like you owned it, not like a rental.!!

I’m told Radon testing is the norm up there, so that is also on the list. I recall that being an issue with some places, but really don’t know what you do with Radon, if it is found. I guess I’ll do some searching. Hey, can I pipe it outside to the grill and use it to cook stuff? (Just kidding)

Just got word the buyer/agent down here agreed to my compromise on the $$ adjustment. NO MORE GAMES.

Anyway, the house in Ohio is the 2nd house from the end of a street sitting next to a park at Lake Erie’s edge. So, while I didn’t have a home on the coast down here in Florida, I will have one on the North Coast of the U.S. A very nice Colonial home with a very deep garage. The truck will fit in there easily, and still have room for work benches and tools. And my trike has its own bay in the garage. There is also a 20x20 deck off the back of the home, with a built in fire pit. I see lots of time spent back there enjoying the solitude. And with it being real close to the major roads/highways, getting anywhere will also be easy.

Effectively, this was the place I was looking to find.

If I get to the point where I will be owning it, I’ll post some pictures. For now, I am still just hoping.

Enjoy life