1 Month Retireversary

It has been one month since I stopped working. Um, not bloody likely. For weeks I was cleaning / de-cluttering my house in Florida to get it ready for sale.. Then I have had to put up with viewings at all times of the day.

That place is now awaiting the inspector being able to complete his job to give final okay on it. I am not in Florida at the moment, but my truck is. And it is sitting in the garage, right under the entrance to the attic, and in the way of moving the shelves in front of the water heater. He wishes to confirm they are both in great condition, prior to giving his report.

Won’t be an issue. The water heater was replaced in last year or so, with one that is 10 gallons larger, and is the new Hybrid Heat-Pump/Electric type that is so much more efficient than pure electric. And it even helps “cool” the garage.

The attic has R30 insulation, put in just in last 2 years, and a brand new A/C air exchange box with new vent runs. Also is insect free (per Orkin in last month) and no leaks.

Thus, when he finishes his report, later this week, It will be time for the contract to become firm.

Meanwhile, I’m up here in Ohio. I’ve looked at over a hundred places online, and 30 or so in person. Lots of paperwork and driving/viewing.

Most were total dumps. Some just had single issues (that were major enough to totally rule them out — like having a garage that is too small for my truck!!).

I had real hopes for the Canary house (bright yellow paint) we viewed today, but it turns out the owner is putting lipstick on a pig. They are trying to hide tons of issues with bright paint. Turns out there are water stains on many of the ceilings, covered in a fresh coat of white paint, that are under the various bathrooms, or under the roof. That water came from somewhere. Was it fixed? Looking at the bathrooms, I’d guess not. And there are places where you can see the fresh paint is covering peeling old paint and rot. Just too many problems to even consider an offer.

So, I’m down to one last place — the Tuttle house. It is on a street named Tuttle Park, and the Park is about 500 feet away, at the end of the street, next to the lake (Erie). A very nice neighborhood, that I like. And, this colonial house has plenty of rooms. I wish the downstairs had larger rooms, but it will do. The kitchen needs new counter tops and new appliances, and has 1 window that is cracked. And I would like a large shed out back for a workshop area.

I am making up my mind right now on whether to do an offer. Depends upon availability, and costs like utilities and such. My buyer’s agent is working on getting me answers. It would be nice to get the negotiations started tomorrow. We will see.

For now, I am tired of all of this non-work that is getting me up early and keeping me up late.

Oh, BTW, did I mention I am in Ohio? I get up here and the temps drop from 50s to teens, and the snow starts piling up. I swept 4-6 inches off of the rental car yesterday, and probably another 3 inches this morning. I haven’t driven in snow in 25 years. Wasn’t too bad though. Nice to have All Wheel Drive and nice Carhartt coat and hat and gloves good for minus ten or something. Along with Timberland boots. Shoot, my outfit likely cost more than the car I had here the last time I drove in snow. No wonder it wasn’t too bad!!!.

From what I’ve read, the temps around my Florida home will drop to the 40s as I return. Figures!!!

I’ll update the world on what is happening, when I know.

Wish me luck.

And Enjoy Life