Day -97 -- Knowledge transferring -- and shot again..

Yippee — Shingles shot number 2 is in me. No more of those.

This morning, I got a late start getting to the grocery store. Normally I like to be there around 7-7:30 to beat the old folks slowing things down.. But, I’m on call this weekend, and I waited until after 8 to make sure jobs started okay.

When I was done shopping, it was 9 am. Just the time the Publix Pharmacy opens. I was the first in line. 15-20 minutes later, I had received the second Shingles vaccine in the series. I chose the other arm this time (right), since it was so nasty in the left prior. Maybe it won’t be as bad — um, the young lady at the Pharmacy says it probably will be worse. Gee, thanks!! — And the shoulder is already sore!!

Oh, she wouldn’t let me have the Flu shot at the same time. Seeing as my body reacted to the Shingles the first time, they don’t want to take the chance that the two together would make things worse and not be able to determine which was the cause. Okay, so Flu-shot will hold off for either a couple weeks, or whenever work has them on the schedule.

I still need the pneumonia #2 vaccine, but that isn’t possible until December. I’m getting there. Soon I’ll be like a 2 year-old puppy and have all of my shots.

I was back in the Office on Wednesday, and scheduled “KT” (Knowledge Transfer) sessions for our 1st Pune FTE for Thursday and Friday early morning. He is working the Evening shift over there. That portion of India is 11 1/2 hours ahead of us. So 8 am here is 7:30 pm there.

Anyway, I had created PowerPoint and PDF presentations back in May, and now am going over them with him. First we start with basic overviews of the systems and design, and then will slowly delve deeper and deeper into the actual execution of the applications, and then what he will need to do.

The first one was only about 1 1/2 hours or so, and we also discussed many questions he had about things. But yesterday’s (Friday) was closer to 3 1/2 hours of me speaking (teaching) without a break.. And the presentation was only 2/3rds done. Will pick up on that session on Monday.

It has been a long time since I have played Teacher/Mentor. That was the hardest I’ve worked in months!!! And there are at least another 8 or so sessions before we start having him do real work.

Just about the time he will be starting real work, the next Pune FTE is scheduled to start — around October 7, I think. The 3rd will be at the end of October, first week of November. So, I’ll be in Teaching mode for these last 97 days.

BTW, I didn’t mention, but the sessions are all being recorded through Microsoft Teams. So, my ugly mug will be around for as long as the company thinks useful. The new FTEs can re-watch the presentation, complete with any questions, as often as they like. And when this set of Pune team members move onto their next 2-year job, with another company, the next set will use this for their initial training.

UGH!!!! I’m glad I’m not required to watch these sessions. Maybe my co-worker will redo them for the next set. I can only hope…

For now, back to enjoying life!