Day -92 -- 92 Cans of Root Beer on the wall.🍺 🍺 🍻 🍻


And at the end of the day I’ll drink one of those cans, and it will 91 cans of Root Beer on the wall.

Zero-Calories Zero-Carb — just barely a taste of root beer…

Zero-Calories Zero-Carb — just barely a taste of root beer…

The days are dwindling down. But not quick enough. The K.T. (Knowledge Transfer) sessions continue with the first FTE from Pune. He has proven to be quite intelligent and is picking things up quickly. So quickly that I will be trying to add some “useful” work to what he’ll be doing. I’ve done 6 sessions so far, and have a couple more before we start having him work with me on doing some analysis and responding to inquiries. His expected function is to just monitor activities, but I’ll be pushing for him to take over some of the lighter analysis work.

This weekend I am not on-call, so my plans are to do a little yard work of my own. I picked a stalk of bananas last weekend, and now need to remove that plant so the others can grow into the area. The squirrels had already gotten a majority of the fruit. Out of the 150 or so bananas on the stalk, I’d guess I got 10 for me to ripen on the counter, and brought another 20-25 into the office for a friend’s family. The rest had either split marks, or were gnawed at before I got to them. Another stalk just dropped over a week or two ago, and will ripen up in about 3 months.

I also am picking avocados now. Avocados do NOT ripen on the tree. So you need to “guess” when they are mature enough to pick, and put them on the counter. I put them in a paper bag with an apple to hasten the ripening. When you can slide a toothpick in through the stem end easily, they are ready to eat.

The tree may have 20-40 left on it at the moment. Many dropped during storms earlier this year. And the squirrels/iguanas seem to like to gnaw on them — but not eat them — so I don’t collect those.

I’ve pretty much recovered from my Vacation. Things are back to “normal’ in the house. I’ve been looking into home equity loans (as the way to buy the next place with a full-cash offer by using existing equity in present home). I’ve put reminders on my calendar to do that, and contact the realtor in November, and do Medicare / Supplemental insurance in December, and a few other items. If I spread out the tasks, it becomes less overwhelming. (I hope!!). — I’ve also scheduled for home-handyman services on a couple of items around the house that I know need to be corrected for any new owner inspection.

Doing my best to be prepared. Of course this is all still “tentative” because the office hasn’t given any guarantee of the 12/20 date. I’ve asked for it, but as of yet, not gotten it.

Oh, yeah. Amazon Affiliate Program update. I GOT A GIFTCARD !!!!

Do you remember me putting that link to Amazon in a couple of my posts, and the About page here? Well, a couple (few) people have used it. After many months, Amazon said there was a payment of $19.20 coming my way. And this week they sent me an email with a digital gift card for that amount. I used it on some low-carb bagels — fabulous bagels — 4 (4 1/2) inch diameter bagels with only 4 carbs…


Anyhow, a big thank you to those that used my links to make their purchase. Didn’t cost you anything, but got me half a dozen days of breakfast — Well, I add a slice or three of cheese to them.

At this point, Amazon says there is another 30ish dollars coming — someday? — So beeeg thanks to all using the link.

I sure wish they would use my orders towards this.  I’d be earning in the thousands $$$$$$

I sure wish they would use my orders towards this. I’d be earning in the thousands $$$$$$

As you can see, the per item amount isn’t much ($50 for 70 items), but it does add up. I just added an inexpensive gimbal stabilizer to my orders to see if I can do a little better with video. If it works with the iPhone, I may try one on the Canon M50.

That’s about it for now. I do want to thank all of those friends and family that helped make my vacation both successful and fun.

Enjoy life,