Day -62 -- Updates on life and work and such.

Work first, so I’ll quit thinking about it… The teaching of our Pune brothers continue. Two at the moment. The third starts in about 10 days. The “formal” Knowledge Transfer videos are done, and the 2nd FTE is likely getting close to done watching them. Almost daily I find something, or they find something, that allows me to give them an informal class on an existing issue, or new (old) projects. They are both doing a pretty darn good job picking things up.

Apparently my boss is heading to Pune at the end of the first week of November, to meet them and others, now under his direction. I don’t envy the boss man for that trip. Something like 18 hours in planes just to get in a vehicle for a few hours, to get there. UGH!.

Oh, I was given re-affirmation that my end-date is 12/20/2019, even if they won’t put it in writing. A few of us transients, with that end-date, were either extended for a couple months, or, for those that refuse to play within the new rules, given a couple weeks notice that their time was up. Yes, they will get their severance package, just a couple months early. Considering the alternative, the company is being gracious to not just kick them out. It was hard for me to write that the company is doing something good. But, hey, they were (I am) still being paid to do work. So, they should be doing it!!!.

Life time…

But First…..

Wore an orange beard all day Friday, and even though at least 100 people saw it, nobody said anything unless I pointed to it. Um, the world is no longer shocked by anything. I think I’ll up the ante on Monday — Actually, I’m testing for my Halloween…

Wore an orange beard all day Friday, and even though at least 100 people saw it, nobody said anything unless I pointed to it. Um, the world is no longer shocked by anything. I think I’ll up the ante on Monday — Actually, I’m testing for my Halloween adventure.

Life is moving on. I spent the last week or so, getting my HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) approved. I signed off the paperwork on Thursday after the Office. This will allow me to transfer funds into my checking account, and pay “cash” for a Condo/house. Then, when I sell the place down here, the mortgage/HELOC all disappear, and I move on. Easy Peasy.. Almost.

Getting this HELOC, even though it was with the same mortgage company, was a major Pain. Lots of paperwork, and too many phone-calls and emails. And, the state of Florida wanted/took a big upfront “Stamp tax” on the amount. Then again, I would have paid just as much on a bridge-loan or a new mortgage on the new place, along with other silly fees.

My closing costs, be they in Florida, Georgia, or Ohio, will be much less now.

Averted a large expense at the house this week too. I noticed a few weeks ago that I was using a bunch more electricity each day, than I normally do. I narrowed it down to the pool heater, and the hours it is on. I checked, and the water temp was around 90. More than a bit too warm for me. So, I went out and reset the thermostat from 85 to 82. The next 2 weeks, it didn’t kick in as often, and I thought all was well. Nope!


On Monday, I checked Sundays’ usage and it was back to too high, and on Tuesday, when I checked Monday’s usage, it was through the roof. UGH.. So, when I got home from the Office on Tuesday, luckily the pool guy was there doing weekly maintenance. We checked, and even though the heater was set to 82, the water was at 91. And, it wanted to warm it up more!!!!. He called the heater manufacturer, and I set the thing down to like 70.

Seems, that even though I bought the new heater about a year ago, the purchase wasn’t registered and the warranty hadn’t been activated. — The installer had said he did that stuff… Thankfully, the manufacture’s rep worked with my pool dude, and they set it up on the phone (5 year warranty!!). They came out yesterday, and replaced the thermostat for free. Shoot, I didn’t even have to be home.

Just checked. The heater was installed in November 2017 — almost 2 years ago. Phew..

This is a Monday with the pool heater running full force.  10/14

This is a Monday with the pool heater running full force. 10/14

This is a Monday, where pool heater came on at 9 am and quickly got done.Note the 1.87KWH average vs the 3.29KWH from the day above.  That wasted heat be expensive!!!!!

This is a Monday, where pool heater came on at 9 am and quickly got done.

Note the 1.87KWH average vs the 3.29KWH from the day above. That wasted heat be expensive!!!!!

And now, the “and such”,

I just got my second Amazon gift Card. $11.87. Thank you very much to all who are using my link. This month, that gift card went towards gaskets and pieces to stop my pool pump filter from leaking.

aapay-10-2019.JPG This is the link. Oh, Amazon wants me to be sure and paste this any time I suggest the link..

“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”

I think I’ve gotten it permanently located in the footer below. I do appreciate those using it. Doesn’t cost you a thing, and hey, it will help fund my blogging.

Oh, and I guess it is time to post my Halloween picture for this year. Anything you think you see in it is purely in your mind. I’m just showing some Halloween spirit and created a “scary” image. It brings fear to many in my industry…

Comment below if you prefer the portrait version.

Comment below if you prefer the portrait version.

Comment below if you prefer the landscape version.

Comment below if you prefer the landscape version.

That’s about it for now.

Thank you all for reading, and

Enjoy Life,,,