Day -55 -- Colorful-me --?

Another week gone. Getting closer to the end. Only 8 weeks, with only 38 more work-days in my career. Wow, that is a small number.

Due to a couple of issues, this last week, at the Office, I even did some work. My useless, old, obsolete, data processing, brain, knew how to recover data that others did not. They may have eventually gotten an answer on their own, but I really am not sure. I think I saved them more than my Severance package will cost them. AGAIN!!.

It was also a good teaching opportunity for me to pass on knowledge to my replacement, and our Pune brethren. Hopefully they’ll be able to use it in the future.

As some of you may have noticed in my Facebook posts, I’ve been playing around for about a week, changing the color of my white beard. Just having fun. More amazed by how many people totally ignore the obvious. The world needs to wise up and look at what’s going on.

Anyway, here is a quick GIF of the last 6 work days.


Yes, I was trying to match the beard to the shirt. I like the orange and purple most. If I had thought of doing this GIF, at the beginning, I would have made the pictures all line up and used the same expression throughout. Oh well.

I’ve started emptying out my “broom closet” office there. Observant viewers will notice it isn’t very cluttered behind me. Shoot, I even tossed the broom. There is still a min-vacuum on the shelf behind me, to clean up stuff that hits the carpet. I have been in that room for well over a year and a half, and the cleaning crew has been in there once. Yep, just once. Same thing is true with all of the offices on the same floor I am on. Even if you leave the door open, they won’t go in and dust/vacuum/clean in any way. Must be a security thing??

Oh, also this week, I got a lovely little note from a V.P. a couple doors down. Said, that while he didn’t mind my “colourful” language, and swearing, that I need to keep in mind that it can be heard down through the halls and somebody may complain. Um, that is why I was moved to the broom closet farthest away from anybody else on the floor. My filters have long ago gotten clogged, and whatever hits my brain, comes out my mouth… I’d make other comments on this, but I am trying hard to be as diplomatic in this blog as I can.

Halloween is this coming week. I may do something “colorful” on Wednesday/Thursday, just for shock value. It’s nice not worrying about what people think. Hey, isn’t that one of the benefits of getting older?

So, to all of you out there older than I, do you do things just to shock people?

For that matter, same question to those younger…

Comment below.

And Enjoy Life….