Day -156 -- Nobody wants to work with me

On Monday, our first Pune FTE was to start. He was a no-show. Supposedly he told the recruiter, over there, on Saturday, that all was good and he was ready. Well, he must have made a wrong turn Monday morning, and found himself employed elsewhere.

Not so good for sure. And, the candidates we’ve been getting lately, are either upfront and saying, no thanks, or, quite frankly, not as qualified as their resumes suggest. We have lowered the requirements again. I suggested we go with, “breathes on their own, and can communicate”, but that was turned down.

We have another person that “may” start on 8/19. I pushed for trying to get that start date moved up. Don’t give him a chance to find another opportunity. And, give me a better chance to start teaching. Lots for them to learn. So, I want to get started.

Oh, some fantastic news… 2 people seem to have used my Amazon Affiliate link — Amazon-for-RET-ADD — over Prime Days, and I “earned” money. I wonder when I get my Gift Card. I’ll use it to buy half a pack of gum… But thank you to both people. It didn’t cost them a cent, and I got a tiny percent like a finder’s fee. I need to find the right Affiliate to use for all of my Amazon purchases. That person will make a fortune, just off of me. Shoot, I bought a bunch over the two days. I am thinking of creating another email address to cheat the system — nah, won’t do that. It is okay that Amazon makes a few extra dollars. I own stock in the company, and I want to watch it go up from the $2000 a share it is at now.

I’ve picked the last of the mangoes for this year. I’ve taken about 7 - 10 pineapples into work. People are enjoying them. But those are coming to an end for the season too. Next will either be bananas (a couple of months) or avocados (Sept./Oct.). Those and an occasional Papaya. Don’t understand why anybody likes the taste of those. Bland and icky to me.

This coming weekend I need to redo all of the pineapple planters that are done. The mother plants have produced tons of suckers (baby plants) this year. I could fill 3 times the number of planters from them. But, since I won’t be here, I’ll likely cut back the total number. The next owners may not want to be a pineapple plantation owners.

That’s it for now.

Enjoy Life