Day -159 -- Who, me procrastinate?

People at the office frequently don’t believe I have an issue with procrastination. They say that when some new “required” online ethics/security/PCI/etc. class, or request to do goals/review, comes out, I am the first to have it done. That is quite true. But there is are good reasons for that.

First, I jump from task to task to task, and when the emails come out, I see it, and start it then. I have no choice. My ADHD brain won’t let me NOT look at it. And with those type of things, after doing them for 45+ years, it is easy to just let the B.S. flow for the paperwork, or let the class play while I do other things.

Second, it is frequently said that the ADD person knows of just two times. They are NOW, or NEVER. Also learned over the years, is, if I don’t start it then, I won’t — It just isn’t urgent.

I’ve built up many routines and habits over the years to make my work life happen. (Yes, I’m one of those people with sticky notes covering everything in his office!!). I have on-line folders of how-to files, many waiting to be completed!!), and I wear sound suppression headphones 90% of the work day, to help minimize distractions.

But this Blog is supposed to be covering my transition to ADDing-to-life. Now there’s where I procrastinate. A ton!!! I need to figure out how to translate those work skills to life skills. And I’m not quite sure how. I have read/watched many YouTube videos on how others cope, and try, somewhat, to incorporate their tricks into my life. One channel I find really educational is How-to-ADHD. The host/editor gets out and does the learning for us, and then gives the highlights in an easy to watch, entertaining way.

All of this is digression. Today’s original subject was to be, “I’ve finally used the storage in the truck.”…. As you may recall, I did a blog entry a few weeks ago where I was adding storage bins and such to my truck.

Well, this is where I stopped:


I never finished by adding the biggest under the tonneau cover box which was to go up to the front of the bed. I had left it sitting in the bed for weeks. Yesterday, I finally got up the gumption to install the silly thing and clean out the truck. It still had everything in it from the day I transferred stuff from the old truck. Here are a couple of pics from the inside.


Tool boxes, air pumps, starter battery, jumper cables, and even my portable winch, were scattered throughout the cab. Well, after installing the locked box, it looks a little better now.

This was before I got in the bed and straightened it up.

This was before I got in the bed and straightened it up.

The box closes and locks nicely, and hides well under the cover.


And the inside looks much better too.

All there is in the front is a bag with little things for cleaning windshield and needed for quick access like USB chargers. And what we have in the back is the trash barrel and my grocery store reusable bags. Well, those and a convenient umbrella.

All there is in the front is a bag with little things for cleaning windshield and needed for quick access like USB chargers. And what we have in the back is the trash barrel and my grocery store reusable bags. Well, those and a convenient umbrella.

And to think, it only took 45-50 days to do it.. UGH!!! Now I just need to start the other 20 projects I’ve been putting off. (One of them was this blog entry — I meant it to go up yesterday evening!).

Oh, I have been doing a few things. I have my “vacation” duffel bag mostly filled with clothing/personal stuff I will need for that long trip to Georgia/Ohio. None of my electronics yet. Still using them.

And I’ve even “looked” at hotels and such in the areas where I think I will be when. Won’t do reservations until the week or so prior. Just in case things change.

Of course I’ve also been working at the office. It was a fairly quiet week, until Friday, when things went awry early in the day. Many, many people got involved in an issue that should never have been created. Some group installed software on our servers without telling us (and not even sure they followed policy!). Since we didn’t know it had been installed, nor when, we could figure out why our applications would work. Fortunately, this was in test, and although they also had installed the software on 1/2 our productions servers, they hadn’t failed — YET.

The best news out of it was that my coworker was the person that managed to come up with the root cause, and the team removed the new trash and our applications immediately worked again.

I think that is great because it suggests he is getting closer to being able to run the big show. Congrats to you, Sir.

That’s about it for today. But remember,

Enjoy Life