Day -126 -- A Day off to get serviced

So, one more PTO used. Oh well. My Ecobee thermostat has been yelling at me for a couple weeks that I should get the A/C yearly checkup. So, I had to either figure out how to shut it up, or, I could get the A/C checkup done. I chose the easier one.

Also, every time there is a power hit, my wired security cameras don’t all come back online. Usually it is just one or two, and I end up in the power distribution box moving wires and it seems one is always sitting with a broken wire. Very annoying at that, but, this time it was 5 of them that wouldn’t come back, and even after playing around, 3 still are out. So the security company is on their way here right now to make it work.

Seeing as the power fluctuates in many of the storms, and we are having tons this rainy season, I am tired of the game… Make it work!!!! I’ll probably know the outcome before I finish this blog entry.

Mentioning work, the Pune news is possibly good right now. The fellow slated to start on 8/26 says he will (or so says the H.R. person over there). And the other one says the offer is acceptable. Now we just need him to give notice and accept it.

Thus, when I get back from my trip, I should be training one, and the other starting around November. The first can help with the training of the second — or at least that is the way it is supposed to work. We will see.

Boohoo. Security cameras are fried. A test camera works at each spot. So, they will need to come back and replace 3 cameras. And I will have them put surge protectors on them. Hey burglars, I still have around a dozen wired/wireless cameras on WiFi/ethernet/3G around this place. Some are plug-in, some are battery only. It is NOT time to come visiting!!!

So, I will be using another PTO when the installers come back. Drats! Oh, I did put the security camera setup on its own Surge Protecting UPS. The UPS says it will keep the stuff running for just under 4 hours. That should handle most future zaps.

I sure do hope the A/C check-up goes better than that. And, it did NOT… Black Mold, and it ain’t Texas tease. The ducting box, above the unit, and in the attic, is very wet (including the insulation in the attic, around the box stuff), and a lovely shade of mold — the type you don’t want to see.


The guy estimates as much as 30% of the air is leaking up into the attic. Wow, and I thought the A/C was doing a good job. And that it needed nothing — actually it is, and doesn’t. But, I never had the duct work redone when the units were replaced. The crappy builder’s version of duct tape is over 25 years old. It can’t take the Florida heat for that long.

I can understand not taking the heat. I can’t either. OMG, it is hot outside. And even with me unintentionally air conditioning the attic, it is even hotter up there.

My PTO day is almost over. At least nobody else is coming to take my money. But they will be back next Tuesday and/or Thursday. Another PTO day or two shot.

This is Life — but not the part I want.
