Lights, Cameras, Action.


I’m still packing up things, and calling for shut-offs, and just generally doing smaller things preparing for the big move.

Yesterday I had a bit of a jolt, when I figured out the Post Office “lost” my truck registration and license plate tag. I use their daily email process to see what is coming, and last week they showed a picture of the package from the tax collector. Well that night their jeep just flew by my place with stopping — that is a rare occasion with all the junk mail I get. And it didn’t show up the next day, or the next. Then the long weekend.

So I tried flagging it as missing. They don’t seem to give a shitaki mushroom that I have them not delivering that day on my security cameras. It was “delivered”. Sure, to whom???? Apparently whichever neighbor got it decided a free license plate sticker they could use was just what they needed.

Anyway, normally this wouldn’t be much of an issue, but seeing as the registration for the truck is good until mid-March, and I’ll be in Ohio, trying to get a million things done, I might not be able to get a new driver’s license and then new Ohio registration until late March (or maybe April). That created a problem.

Thus, yesterday I had to file for a “lost/misplaced/never received” tag with the Dept of Motor Vehicles. The paperwork online suggested it could take a couple of weeks — um, I won’t be here!!!. So, I had the pleasure of driving to the local office and possibly waiting for hours to get served.

It was my lucky day — sort of. I punched the address into my Garmin GPS and it promptly sent me in circles around Boynton Beach. But the DMV is in Delray. So, I tried Siri. Siri did get me to Delray, but wanted me to drive into a gated community to get to the address. (Not as a pass-through, it thinks it is in the middle of that community!!). So I went to Alexa.. Alexa had me traveling North up thru Boynton again and wanted me to go beyond.

I gave up on technology, and just headed down the main street where it was supposed to be, and finally saw government buildings and pulled in. Old fashion signs did the rest — other than it being the day after a holiday, and even the overflow parking lot was beyond full. I had to wait for 4 or 5 people to come out and leave before it was my turn to park.

Then "Good” luck took over. When I got in the building, the officer directing people sent me to a line with just 2 groups in front of me. There must have been hundreds upon hundreds of people in the building. Within 2 minutes, I am across the desk from a worker. He listens to my story, takes the paperwork, types a few things into the computer, walks over to the printer, hands my my little plate sticky and registration and says, “there you go, have a good day”.

Yep, just 2 minutes, and I’m headed for the truck!!! Fantastic… So I will be street legal when I get to Ohio.

Anyway, as I mentioned I am doing smaller things in preparation for the move. Today I took down all of my wireless cameras (except 2 old ones that Ross looks thru every morning — Sorry, but they won’t be put back up in Ohio — too much of a pain configuring them!!). And then all of the network infrastructure to support the cameras were also packed up. Lots of UPS’s and my Google net for wifi, and base units, and power supplies, and lights, and batteries, and more. All into a bin so I can put them up around the new place. .

Also preparing more things I’ll need for my 2 weeks of homelessness. This packing is worse than packing for vacation because a lot of the time will be in empty houses, not full service hotels.

That’s about all for now.

I was hoping to hit the pool, and enjoy some sunshine, but looking out there I see raindrops bouncing on the water. It will clear up soon, for sure.

Enjoy Life,