Ich bin einer Ohioan ?

And I’d rather be a donut…

Anyway, on Monday I did a drive by to the local BMV (Bureau of Motor Vehicles) to see how bad the lines were, now that it had been open a week after the 2 1/2 month lock-down. I have been carrying all of the paperwork I’d need for a Driver’s License exchange from my Florida one, and to get an Ohio Title and Registration for my truck.

For the D.L. you need proof of existence (Birth Certificate or Passport, and Social Security Card), and proof of residency. They like utility bills (I did water and gas), but will also take other things like a signed lease, or a title to a house (I had that with me too). And old D.L of course. They didn’t need proof of insurance (huh??) nor did they bother to even see if I could see. No Vision test. Come on, I’m 65 and have cataracts forming. Fortunately I can see quite well (yet!!)

Well, the line looked like only 2 or 3 people outside. So I stopped, and walked up. Actually, I hadn’t seen the line went around the corner and was more like a dozen people. And as I pondered leaving, 2 or 3 people left the building, and 2 or 3 went in. Shoot, I guess then was a good a time as any.

I had read this was a “all-in-one” BMV. Um, not quite. First they weren’t doing driving tests yet, but that didn’t matter to me. I was converting my D.L. But it turns out, they weren’t doing Titles there either. UGH.

So, I get in after 30 minutes or less, and in another 30 minutes or less I’m at the counter. 10 minutes, and $35 or so later, I have a temp D.L. paper, they punched holes in my Florida D.L., and I’m told I get the new one in the mail in 4 weeks or less. Great. How about the Title. Well they do the out-of-state Vehicle VIN inspection, and give you the paperwork to take to the Title Bureau 15 miles away. UGH. The inspection consisted of them taking my Florida Title, asking me the mileage on the truck (which I had written down when I pulled in), and they wrote it on a form. Another $10 or so, and go away Jody, you are done. Um, where is this Title Bureau, please. In Mentor. Great, Where in Mentor? She reluctantly gave me the address.

So, will they do the registration too? NOPE.. So do I come back here? You can, or you can use the BMV around the corner from the Title Bureau in Mentor. Duh, then why come here at all???

Anyway, of to the Title Bureau. Um, no sign on the building saying Title Bureau. No street number on it either (that I could find). But it was a county recorder building, so I figured at worse they could tell be where to go (figuratively please!!).

When I got inside, there was an arrow sign saying Title Bureau. And a short line. Less than 10 minutes later I am at the counter, and handing over my new D.L. and old Title, and the form from the BMV. Throw them a $20, and you get a Title from Ohio. But, if unlike me, you don’t own the vehicle, and have a bank payment, you’ll need the bank’s letter stating they own it and agree (don’t remember that form, didn’t need it!!). They didn’t want proof of insurance, or my Florida registration — a theme there. Ohio doesn’t seem to care about that stuff.

Out that door, and walk over to the BMV in Mentor. Longer lines since it was now 10:00 or so. Moved fairly slowly at times. And then there was almost an altercation, including me. Some punk kid, whose mother didn’t want to play by the 6 foot rule, and was told to either play, or go away by management, didn’t want to stand there for her. I said something totally obnoxious — I think it was “Howdy”, and he turned his anger at me. Okay. Sorry dude. And then he wanted to deck me. Um, what? I was trying to be apologetic, but he wasn’t having it.

Fortunately for one of us (not sure if it was me or him), the younger, much bigger than me, gentlemen in the line basically told him shut up or get out of here. He left to his mom’s car, and they drove off. Thank you random humans.

So, into the BMV I get, and wait even longer. Well after 11:00 I get to the front of the line, and $75 or so later, after handing the Ohio Title, the D.L. (old and new), I get handed 2 plates, 2 stickers saying “Lake” (the county I’m in, and 1 sticker saying 3/21 (which I figure is the month it expires).

From there I made a quick stop to AAA (Auto Assoc America) to have my Ohio Insurance updated with new D.L. and Title/registration — except, they don’t care about the Title/Registration either… Huh?/

I was back to the house just after 12:20 after leaving the house around 8:10. So 4 hours of my life. Mostly standing in lines.

Just so I could do this:


Just one last thing to do. Cancel the Florida car insurance. But, the lady at the BMV said if I was pulled over I needed both D.L.’s until the new one comes. And the Florida one must not be suspended. Um, Florida wants to suspend it if I don’t have insurance. Thus, I must wait until the new one arrives to get rid of insurance I can’t use. Bureacracy at its best.

But I’m getting closer to the time when I can

Enjoy Life