12-16-2024 — Happy Birthday Kitty

Kitty’s birth date is 12/16/2015. So today she turns 9. In hooman years, she is approximately 53. A real middle aged lady. And I don’t think she is any more gray than she was 4 1/2 years ago when she entered my life. Yep, at this point, she has lived with me as long as she was elsewhere.

Today I let her pick her own food. She chose the bowl of water packed tuna for breakfast, and freshly baked chicken for dinner. — I tossed the other choices after they sat around for too long. The chicken was tasty. I know because I had a couple of the thighs for my dinner. No idea if the tuna from the sea can was good. I am not a fan. It smells horrid to me.

Anyway, otherwise, just a normal day around here. Well, it was rainy and windy instead of snowy and windy. I can even see areas of grass outside.

When I took the truck out to do grocery shopping for the first time in 10 days, I noticed it finally touched 29,000 miles. Not too bad for a 2018 F150. Just had its yearly oil change last week. I’m not sure I even added 1000 miles to it since last year. But, the idiot message on the dash kept telling me it was time. So, that and a tire rotation cost me $0, and 0 time. Ford has a free pick-up/deliver valet service, and I apparently had enough loyalty program points that the $95 bill was covered. Didn’t even know I had any points. They told me when they called to say it was on its way back to me. Now that’s a good service appointment.

So that’s about it for now. Happy Holidays to all. And be sure to Enjoy Life.