4-20 (2022) -- Growing for fun


No, I don’t do that kind of growing,,, YET. Not legal in Ohio…

But, today ends a string of days that had night time temperatures at freezing or below. I was wondering how the cloches work at saving plants, and how the ones in the green house tent and cold frames were doing.

First, inside the green house tent.

These tomatoes did okay. They were not near the doors.

These two are still alive, but I’m guessing there might have been a breeze from the door beside the planter.

These peppers did great. But there was one outside the enclosure (other side of the wall on left) that I didn’t cover — oops. It don’t look so good… Doubt it will survive.

Next I looked at the ones I had put the cloches on that are in the outside raised beds. They look no worse for the bad temps.

5 semi-happy tomato plants. I’ll be adding 3 more into this 4 x 4 bed (when they are ready to transplant from indoors)

These two did okay. Not as great though. Still look like they survived.

And the pepper plant looks okay too. We’ll see if those fruit actually make it to full sized.

I did check into the cold frames. No potato plants yet. And the garlic wasn’t a worry. I could see tiny sprouts from the radish seed I tossed in the vacant areas of that bed. Either that, or they are weeds??

And nothing in the carrots and spinach ones yet (well, not completely true, I’ll get back to that).

But in the onion set cold frame, the freeze did not hurt them.

Some of the onion sets are sprouting. Through the cold weather…

But how did the pansies do out front? Well, Not so sure the cloches were needed at all. You be the judge on this.

These had been covered for the last 3-4 days. Look fine.

These were left uncovered. Look almost as good.

I didn’t bother with a picture of the new mini green house with the basil. It didn’t look any different at all. But I added 2 more clumps of Basil I had growing on the window sill inside the house. I’m sure they’ll do fine too.

And one last picture. As I was going from garden bed to cold frame to green house, to raised beds, I found a few spinach plant stragglers from last year. Yes, spinach can survive being under 3 foot of snow and ice..

So I picked them.

Not enough for a full omelet, but a good start. Yummy for the tummy.

So there you go. An update on the post freeze. I doubt it will be the last of the year. At least I know what I’ll do with the next one. Gotta keep on learnin…

And, more importantly, gotta keep on

Enjoying life.