12-30-2024 -- Still alive and pain free?
Howdy all, So it is the 3rd day after the oral surgery. I wish I could say I was pain free. But, my shoulder hurts (but less than last month), my knees are still a little sore (but less than last week for sure), and well, my feet will hurt forever.
Oh, the tooth socket? It hasn’t hurt much at all since I left the dentist chair. Once or twice after more vigorous activity, there was a slight throbbing. However, that stopped when I stopped what I was doing. And today, I feel a lot less exhausted — even if I slept little last night.
By the way, turns out one of those prescription pain killers was a little more than I thought. Turns out the Acetaminophen was actually Hydrocodone Acetaminophen. For us non druggists, that is Vicodin. I realized it right after taking one Saturday night (12-28). I figured I may as well use their pain killers for trying to alleviate the shoulder pain and get some sleep, instead of an Advil dual action.
It did work! Shoulders and knees and even feet were almost pain free after a couple hours. It was really, really, nice. I can see how people could quickly become addicted to those things. Yes, most of the aches were back in about a total of 8 hours or so. I haven’t taken another and won’t.
What have I been doing otherwise? Trying to organize the loads of different colored 3D printer filament in the craft room. My brother Bill stopped over a couple times in the last week to help put up some special shelves for the rolls of filament. (Actually, I tried to help him as he did the work.). I did build 3 filament boxes that hold around 10 rolls each, and put them on dollies so they could be rotated about under the one printer’s table. Also, unboxed 30-50 rolls of filament and tried to organize them by type (PLA vs PETG) and colors to make it easier to see what I have and find the ones I want to use.
I’m hoping to use a version of that chute of the back of the printer, and have it drop the waste filament down below to the bin.
You can see a bunch of waste filament in the bin from my various projects on the printer above.
The ones below are in dryers because they were opened and used.
A few left in their boxes or just without a permanent home,,, yet!
Once I’m feeling back on my game, I have a few designs I want to print. And, I want to work more on altering and creating my own versions of things. Like maybe a poop chute that works even better for my setup. Or ways of storing and yet displaying, the various materials I use with the laser cutter/engraver.
Oh, the weather outside is frightful, and so not delightful. Winds overnight were gusting up to the 50mph range, it is in the 30s outside, and raining, thinking of turning to snow. Nice way to end the year.
But that is no reason to not Enjoy Life.