02-16-2025 -- Weather Alert again and again
Howdy all. Yep, more snow/ice/rain/ice/snow, high winds, single digit temperatures are starting again. Must be the 10th round this season. With close to 130 inches of snow already, another 3-6 inches are to fall on top of the 1-2 inches from yesterday that got covered and rinsed with rain and ice. Absolutely lovely.
A solid 30 degrees out there at the moment, and snow is falling.
This is just the start for today. It is 9 am.
The last few days I’ve been printing of accessories for my 3D printers. The multi-filament AMS units sit directly on top of the printers’ glass tops. So, I printed off risers to fit on the printer, where the glass top can slide back and forth to open for ventilation, and the AMS units sit above.
The risers also have an edge on the outside that allows other accessories to securely hang on the side of the printers. So I’ve printed off holders for alternate bed plates for each printer, and tool bins.
Also needed to print off lots of connectors and braces and such to make everything secure.
Then I printed off some rails and connectors for within the riser that are to be use to hold strip LED lighting. This will allow me to see what is printing, or failing, easier from the phone and computer apps. I had to order the LED strips from Bambu Labs and they should be here within the week. I’ll then try to assemble the whole risers, with the lighting, before putting them on the printers. May need a second set of hands to do that. We will see.
30 minutes later, and the snow cover is solid.
It is going to be a fantastic day to stay inside where it is warm and Enjoy Life
update at 1:30 pm. 4-6 inches fell since this morning. Still snowing, but just got driveway and walkway plowed. Thank you Kyle of Weaver’s Lawn Service.