01-27-2025 -- I knitted a cat
Howdy all. First a weather update. Hasn’t snowed measurably in over 2 days. Yippee. Still 6 inches to a foot and a half, at my yard. When I went grocery shopping, this morning, for first time in over 10 days, the roads were mostly dry. Although a couple weren’t as wide as they should be because of sloppy plow jobs. And my driveway was the only dry one on the street. Actually, it was the only one not snow covered.
Today there might be snow coming overnight. But of more importance, is that the winds are to pick up all day until they max out with gusts just short of 50mph at midnight. UGH. At least the temperature is above 20 f’n degrees. That’ll keep the wind chill temperatures not much below ZERO. For the following week days, we may even see highs above freezing…
Now, onto today’s topic. I mentioned in the last blog that I was having trouble getting a specific 3D print to finish cleanly. Well it did, as of 3:15 this morning. I used a combination of wider rafts (layer of filament at contact points with bed), glue (yeah, stuff like a kid’s glue stick) on the bed to force adhesion, and, duh, I changed the heat setting of the bed from 50c to 60c (yes, Celsius), so the PLA filament wouldn’t cool down as much (that also increases adhesion, but gives the opportunity for the filament to “melt” and cause its own issues).
This is what it looked like in the printer when I got up this morning.
After using a variety of needle nosed pliers to remove those tree like structures that allow for overhangs, it looks like this.
Fairly clean.
One Knitted Cat. I used a filament that cycles colors from a pastel blue to pastel pink.
The color filament adds to the “soft” look of knitting. Or at least I think it does. While the product isn’t completely clean of tiny bits of that support structuring, is is close. Just little bits like you can see on the desktop are left to be found and removed.
I’m quite happy with the final result. May even try another “knitted” critter. They seem to be the latest trend of projects. That and flexible lizards/dragons/creatures.
Just another way I can Enjoy Life