01-21-2025 -- Brrr part 2
Howdy all. Wow it just gets colder and colder. Take a gander at what my outside thermometers were showing at 8 this morning.
I have a small greenhouse raised bed that has acrylic walls and ceiling on the black fabric tarp with other raised garden beds. It holds “heat” a little.
Of course the black ground covering fabric tarp is snow covered now, but for some reason, the raised garden bed’s are still holding a little warmth from before the storms.
The mini green house is on the left. The brown raised garden bed has a meter on the side and is the “tarp” one.
The porncasters were calling for temperature of 4-6 to start the day. We may see double digits, as in 11 freedom degrees, before it drops to the negatives for tonight.
Fortunately for me, while I was still in bed, listening to an audio book, Weaver’s Lawn Service was out doing snow removal.
Thank you Bob Weaver.
The driveway and walkway were cleared. And the driveway salted with this lovely pink salt that works even in the super cold.
I have the cleanest driveway on the block.. I get quite a few people using it to turn around each day. Notice the snow around the walkway is at about a foot again. It just keeps coming and coming and coming.
With the super cold comes unexpected annoyances. Because the kitchen’s water pipes are on the exterior wall, and this place is not insulated well, I am doing the dripping water thing to make sure those pipes don’t freeze. The faucet is opened enough to allow about a gallon an hour flow through. The dripping sound is definitely a Chinese water torture. drip drip drip drip UGH!!! Makes it harder to Enjoy Life.