Won't winter end?


We just had a couple of very nice spring days, up here in Madison. FINALLY. Yep, even saw 70s in the afternoon. It was wonderful.

I have been setting things up outside. The deck boxes were emptied of things from the move, and are awaiting their turn to get some attention. They need to be pressure washed, as does the deck (more in a few), and then resealed. I have the equipment, just need the good weather. Also hung up various decorations I brought with me (an outdoor clock, a bunch of whirlygigs, and various metal Butterfly wall decorations), plus put a bunch in the ground here and there around the house. I like the wind motion and colors..

The warmer temperatures gave me a chance to get the hose connections all tight and try them out since I thought we are post-freezes (I was wrong!!).

Today, Home Depot is delivering decking material, and some other pressure treated lumber. Seems I have a few mushy spots on the deck — the inspection missed those too. So I’ll need to pull a few deck boards and put in the new ones, prior to sanding down so other places on the deck, then restaining (painting) the deck. UGH! Oh well, it will give me something to do this summer during lock-down.

I did try to assemble my new Fire Pit for the deck. Or at least, I unboxed it. The first pieces that would go together, came broken (the glass fractured). So, an email was sent to the manufacturer for replacements. The parts are now in those deck boxes to keep them together.

Since the Fire Pit didn’t take the time expected, I went on to other things. I hosed out the garage, and tried a couple of cleaners on the driveway. Won’t work, need to pressure wash it once the weather warms up again. I did give SSB (Stoney, Short-Bed), my truck, its first bath up here in Ohio. Needed it. Since this house has both hot and cold faucets connected to the outlet in the garage, for the hose, it was a nice warm bath. Glad it wasn’t the super cold water alone, because that would have made it uncomfortable for me.. SSB looks great.

Tomorrow, Orkin will be here to install gutter-guards and block up some potential critter entrances around the outside. First they will clean the ton of gunky leaves and such from those gutters. This was something I’ve been trying to get done for me since I moved in. While the guards are an extra expense, they will payback within the next 2 years as I won’t need to have them cleaned twice a year.

And, I am really hoping to get an appointment set up for the Duct cleaning. One company is supposed to call today to set it up, and if they don’t, I have another I’m going to call that should. Maybe I’ll finally have clean air within the next week or so..

And then the weather — Yep, it WAS nice. Today the high will just make it to 50, with winds again. And the next week just gets cooler — Snow possible Friday and Saturday — How can that be? This is May….

The forecasts suggest that after next Monday (31-low, 45-high), the lows will be above 39 again. Maybe spring will be here??? They don’t show a 70 again until 5/25/2020 — that’s 3 more weeks.. UGH!!!

Also today, maybe, possibly, who knows for sure, the governor will give a date for when the Motor Vehicle department will reopen here in Ohio. And I’ll have a clue when I may finally get my D.L. and truck title/registration here. Fingers are crossed.

That’s it for now.

Enjoy Life.