Day -190 — Work gets in the way of life


Since I am still employed, sometimes I still have to work more than a 8-9 hour day. A big conversion, by another IT area, was started this last weekend. Their plan would have pushed back some of the data my area uses, by a few days, and we would have been playing catch up until this morning. Well, the best of plans, didn’t quite work out. They had some major issues which continues to push out the data even now.

We hope to get the first missing day’s data late this afternoon. And then, I will be trying to catch up for 6 or 7 days’ worth of fun, instead of 3.

I’ve already put in one 13 hour day, and I have a feeling there will be a couple more this week. Compared to that conversion team’s hours, I am a slacker. They’ve been at it almost 24 hours a day (short breaks by individuals) since Friday. I feel for them. Been there. Done that. Lost the tattered t-shirt…

It is weeks like this that make the idea of retirement seem a lot better. While the adrenaline rush from looming financial deadlines can be exhilarating, the crash after gets old. (Or maybe I just got old??).

There were things I hoped to do this week that just aren’t happening. I wanted to get the Weathertech mudflaps on the truck one day this week, but just too tired after work days to do it. And that should be less than a 30 minute job — or so they say..

And I want to setup the video camera/lights for trying to do that first Youtube. I will get to both soon, I hope!

Well, time for another Pune interview — early morning for us, late evening for them.. I sure hope this one is a winner.

Enjoy Life.