Day -199 -- Work news

Howdy all,

We finally found the first of 2 Pune residents willing to take the job. That is good news. This person seems like he really wants to learn IT application skills, and is willing to start as a beginner. Because of the way the laws in India work, he won’t be able to start for a month. His present employer gets to pick how long his notice is.

Interesting rules.. Glad it doesn’t work that way in the good ol’ U. S of A. But that’s a start. We did do a couple of more interviews, but the match wasn’t great. I hope the applicants do find the job they want.

Not much happening at the home front. I was a bit under the weather over the weekend, and spent more time trying to sleep, than being up. Feeling somewhat better today.

I’ve been setting up my Laptop computer, a Lenovo that I picked up at the ODP corporate store. With sales and discount, it was effectively half price. I haven’t owned a laptop for years since I have the business one at the office, and my Sony All-in-One TAP 21 I use at home. This will allow me a computer on the go. With Office 365, I can use Outlook, so I spent some of the day copying “personal” calendar entries from the work device to this one. (They have disabled “export” for the office — can’t blame them, people might “borrow” all kinds of emails and contacts).

One of the first things I did on it was remove McAfee. Sorry, but I just don’t trust them. And it kept popping up asking me to install this or that. Or worse, ask me to run a scan, even though it wasn’t installed. You have to wonder about that kind of marketing.

It is a little short on the SSD storage, but it has USB 3 and I have a few external devices that I can use to hold photos/videos.

I want to thank everybody for the comments and emails on my questions on northeast Ohio and other things. Good to have friends and family.

Oh, it is mango time here. Mostly for the squirrels!!! But I’ve picked a few for friends at work, and yes, “cheated” on the low-carb diet to have a couple myself. They are so gooooood…

The diet is continuing. Slowly. Losing maybe a pound, pound and half a week, as the average. That is a good speed for me. It means I am working on it, but not Hyper-Focusing on it.

That’s about it for today.

Enjoy Life..